Improve Your Art Website SEO

Learn how galleries and artists can establish and maintain a strong presence on search engines.

We hear this from galleries and artists all the time: "I want better SEO" or "I've paid a lot for my SEO and I don't want to lose it."

What’s odd is that when we ask what ‘good SEO’ means to them, we don’t often get a straight answer. The truth is that presence on a search engine can be hard to define.

Below are some tips to help your art website perform optimally, so that you can establish and maintain a strong presence on search engines.

Step 1: Establish a Baseline

First and foremost you need to know what you want to optimize for.

Are you looking to optimize for your artists’ names? Your city? Medium? Start Googling the search phrases you want to be associated with and see where you’re currently ranked.

You could try things like: “Top art galleries in Charleston,” “Brian Coleman art,” or “contemporary art galleries in Colorado.”

Once you see how you’re ranking on these terms, it’s time to develop your plan.

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Step 2: Set Your Goal

Putting work into your website without a goal is fruitless. You need to know where you are and where you want to go.

To accomplish this, we suggest you sign up for Google Analytics. It will help you measure your current traffic and assess how well your hard work is paying off.

Step 3: Homepage

OK, now that we have a baseline and a goal, let’s look at your homepage.

Do you have any images? Any text? What’s loading and how often is it refreshed? Are you including information that you want Google to rank you on? Are you publishing your latest exhibitions on your homepage?

Making sure that your homepage has relevant content is key.

Step 4: Artist Bio Pages

Your artists are, in a lot of ways, the lifeblood of your gallery. Making sure their pages are strong is critical.

Do you have a bio listed out for each of them? Do you have high resolution images? Are you rotating these images as you get new inventory?

Step 5: Exhibitions

Including information about upcoming exhibitions is a great way to create fresh and rotating content on your website.

As you add new exhibitions to your site, be sure to link to them from social media. This will help you grow your backlinks and improve the overall ranking score for your site.

When ‘optimizing’ a website, there are no silver bullets. After building hundreds of websites for artists and galleries, we’ve found that building a well-structured website with good content will help you rank highly on any search engine.

How does your website stack up? Set up a free 30-minute consultation to learn more. We’ll assess your site before the call and provide recommendations for areas of improvement.

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